MOG Post: 1/29/2008
Artist: The Spencer Davis Group
Album: Eight Gigs A Week
Track: Waltz For Lumumba
1996 Island Records
Waltz. A very nice rhythm usually set in a 3/4 time (or sometimes 6/8). MasonJar pointed out that my last Sly post had no chord change (just funkin' one bass line really, really good). Speaking of good bass players, good organ players, and bands working around one chord. This came out of my speakers yesterday and made me feel real good (probably the cowbell). I must say I will heartily raise a hand for Steve Winwood when it comes to keyboardists. During his days with the Spencer Davis Group you could really hear the R&B wail out of his Hammond B3. This tune offers some classic Winwood - listen to a few of his chords and you'll catch a glimpse of some forthcoming Traffic sound. You just have to dig all the interplay around the fast waltz meter - kept perfectly in time by the bass player, Muff Winwood (Steve's brother). 3 notes is all he needs here, working 'B' and 'D' into the 'E' that sets the pace. Follow him and just listen to drummer Pete York flow around the meter. Steve & Spencer seem to have fun with the dance as well! A tight band here playing with lots of loose energy, feeling, and fun!

> > http://www.stevewinwood.com/ < <
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